Mathematics is a complex area of study, so when students graduate, it's nice to know they'll be rewarded for their years of (mostly) hard work. When Peter came to talk to my Society (Matrix) it was a great chance for our members to discover where their qualification could take them in the future.
Matrix a well established society, with three large Sponsors - KPMG, Watson Wyatt and Teach First. Part of our agreements with these companies is that they'll provide termly skills sessions for our members. KPMG for example have run an In-tray session, as well as a session on Commercial Awareness. The aim is to develop business skills and make us more employable undergrads. The only downside of this (If you can consider it a downside) is that the talks tend to be fairly company focused.
The talk given by Peter was valuable because it was providing a much more general overview of what the future could have in store. Despite being advertised just the day before it was happening, the event still showed a fantastic turnout. In the current economic climate, its clear undergraduates are searching for ways to get ahead in the game.
My role of President will be coming to a close in a couple of months time, however my experiences to date have proved to me how student societies can provide so much more than an opportunity to go out with your course mates. Matrix attempts to support its members in other ways too - Every fresher gets assigned a mentor within the maths department. Sometimes it's nice to discuss course matters with someone other than your tutor.

Next week our society Hoodies will be put into production. Those members who ordered can look forward to walking around with the following design...
...well, we do try to be funny.